What are brochures?

There is no doubt that brochures are an essential part of anyone’s marketing mix, when it comes to a comprehensive document that conveys not only the features and specs but also the features and benefits – the brochure is king. 

Few other publications offer the same flexibility and effectiveness as a well-designed and professionally produced brochure. Their complete and utter incorporation into people’s daily lives means that everyone from young to old knows what they are, how to use them and what to expect – or they did.

Digital brochures have made people rethink what they knew about brochures, what they can be used for and was and what can be achieved. This has evolved as the technology has advanced and the capabilities have improved. In this fast-moving ‘digital’ world you might think that digital brochures have relegated the printed versions to obsoletion – but the truth is far from clear cut. 

Advantages of Digital Brochures

If we start with the advantages of digital brochures, some obvious and some less apparent features and benefits arise.

Accessibility and ease of distribution – The most obvious advantage of a digital version is the freedom that comes with sharing online, whether that is via a download or attaching to an email or message. Having a brochure that is easy to share and distribute allows for a far greater reach and potential for multiple sets of eyes.

Interactivity and multimedia options – the level of interactivity and the use of embedded media is a huge advantage over print. Having the ability to embed a video or link to other online resources dramatically broadens the range of information to be shared. It is important to note that the level of interactivity impacts the digital brochure’s format and how it is distributed – you need to consider the [different types of digital brochures] available.

Cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability – Everyone in marketing roles will have experienced the increasing demands to demonstrate ROI on their marketing spend and digital brochures offer potential savings with the removal of print costs. With the removal of print from the process, potential environmental impacts such as paper wastage, electricity, shipping and use of ink associated with the print process are mitigated.

Advantages of Printed Brochures

As most people are more familiar with printed brochures the advantages are well-known and proven through countless examples.

Tangibility and physical presence – There’s something about a physical brochure that engages your various senses from sight and smell to the weight and feel in your hands. This permanence taps into the very human experience of ownership and value that is incredibly hard to establish on a digital channel.

Credibility and perceived value – The physical existence of the brochure not only triggers the senses but also encourages the values that are attributed to items and objects – they are ‘real’ and possess an intrinsic ‘value’ purely by being. These feelings can be accentuated through clever use of finishes and weight of paper, use of quality photography etc.

Targeted distribution to specific audiences – A printed brochure will have been created with a very specific audience in mind and its printing and distribution will be with that audience in mind. The channel by which the audience receives the brochure may be through face-to-face contact with a salesperson, through a mailing or other distribution channel. This is very specific and communicates something in its exclusivity.


Factors to Consider in Choosing Brochure Format

Whichever format you choose, Printed or Digital there is one thing that should be exactly the same and that is the quality of the design. The format will not save a badly designed brochure, a good design will pay for itself 10 times over and be greatly valued by the reader. A bad design can do damage to your customer’s perception of your company, its products or services, and your brand.

Importantly, with the right design you don’t have to choose between digital or printed, you can have both. The choice of which to use for which channel should be determined by a whole range of factors including target audience, budget, branding, and marketing goals.

When looking to choose which format to use, always return to your initial brief and ensure you clearly have the correct audience, channel and response in the forefront of your mind.


Brochures are an essential part of any marketing team’s toolkit and this should include both printed and digital versions. The quality of the design should not differ and, if anything, is more important when creating a brochure that works on both levels. A high-quality, professionally designed brochure should be seen as an investment in sales and wherever possible, measures should be in place to qualify leads and establish ROI on both printed and digital versions.

Talk to us today about your next brochure project.

If you’d like us to design and create your next digital brochure design, complete the form and we’ll get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Alternatively, if you’d like to speak directly to one of the creative team, call us on 01295 266644. We can have a brief chat about your requirements before sending you a proposal.

Do you need help with your brochures?

If you would like to discuss your digital brochure, call us on 01295 266644 or complete the form.
